Antenatal Care
Michelle is our community midwife who holds regular antenatal clinics at the surgery. Please book an appointment with reception.
Wednesday: 9.00am to 12.00pm (noon)
If Michelle is not present another community midwife will step in.
Please remember to bring your green book and a urine sample to your appointment.
Cervical Smear
Book with our practice nurse. The Department of Health guidance recommends a cervical smear test every three years for women aged 24 to 49, and every 5 years thereafter for women aged 50 to 64.
Women booking smear tests after Rebekah Vardy Instagram post (Please read)
Child Health Surveillance
Child health checks for babies who are 8 weeks old are carried out at the practice by the GP. Please make an appointment with the GP when your baby has had his/her 6-week health check with the Health Visitor. We may contact you in order to arrange a suitable appointment.
Child Immunisations
Is an important part of health and illness prevention. We are part of the NHS Coventry computerised call and recall system whereby appointment reminders are sent automatically when due.
If in doubt, then please come and discuss your view with our Practice Nurse Karen Walker.
Chronic Disease Management
We offer Asthma, CHD, Diabetes, COPD and Hypertension clinics. If you suffer from any or some or all of these conditions, please make sure that you attend your annual reviews when invited to do so. It is essential for your condition management to be reviewed and that the clinicians make sure that your condition is well managed.
Mental Health Well Being Practitioner
On-site Mental Health Well Being Practitioner is available to patients following a referral from a member of the clinical team.
NHS Coventry, Warwickshire & Solihull Talking Therapies
If you are currently struggling with low mood, stress, depression, or anxiety and are aged 16 or over, Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull Talking Therapies offers free and confidential support for your mental health. To find out more, please get in touch with us and speak to a GP. Alternatively, you can self-refer via telephone, or by visiting the Talking Therapies website here.
Telephone: 02476 671 090
Address: Melbourne Gardens, Windsor Street, Coventry, CV1 3BT
Opening Hours:
Monday: 9.00am to 4:30pm
Tuesday: 9.00am to 4:30pm
Wednesday: 9.00am to 4:30pm
Thursday: 9.00am to 4:30pm
Friday: 9.00am to 4:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
District Nurses
Visit patients who are unable to leave their homes. They provide nursing cafe and undertake general assessments.
Family Planning Clinic
GP and nurse led service include advice on:
- Oral contraception
- Coil (IUS) fitting
- Contraceptive Implant
- Emergency contraception
- Morning after pill
- Termination of pregnancy
- Referral for sterilisation and vasectomy
Flu Vaccination
We recommend influenza vaccinations for patients with chronic heart, diabetes, respiratory diseases (including certain patients with asthma) and chronic renal disease. Those living in long stay residential and nursing homes and all patients over the age of 65 years (pneumococcal injections also available for 65+).
Joint Injections
For certain conditions, we can provide an in-house join injection service. Please book an appointment with Dr Lall for discussion.
Mother and Baby
We see all post-natal ladies and new-borns at 8 weeks. You will be contacted personally by your health visiting team shortly after the birth of your baby. All child health surveillance checks are carried out by your health visitor.
Minor Surgery Clinic
We provide an inhouse minor surgical clinic for removal of common skin lesions, e.g. moles, skin tags and cysts. Please book an appointment with a GP for discussion.
Please note that we are unable to do any procedures that are facial.
NHS Health Checks
We offer free NHS Health Checks if you are between the ages of 40-74.
We are second out of over 70 practices in providing these health checks. We could not do this without support of our patients.
These health checks are important part of care we provide to our patients as we have identified number of conditions that may have gone undiagnosed until it could be much too late.
If you are one of the patients who received invitation, please book your appointment and come to see us.
Smoking Cessation
We offer NHS Stop Smoking Services support that works. If you are a smoker and would like our support and help in quitting, please book your appointment with Clare Smithson.