In the last 18 months Phoenix Family Care did over 700 health checks. As you can see, we have achieved 2nd place in Coventry for the amount of Health Checks done with patients between 40 to 75 years who have no pre-existing conditions.
For last year we were also running opportunistic health checks for patients with other pre-existing conditions.
You may have been offered by our receptionists or received a text message about available health check. However, the messaging is limited and therefore we offer full clarification to what this check consists of.
There are several areas to the health check:
- We look on overall health - your weight / height / BP
- Social aspect of your life - do you have good family support or friends support that is there for you when you need it.
- Your memory - how is your memory and simple short test (this is called cognitive assessment)
If issues are identified, you would be invited for follow up assessments including blood test / possible MRI test and further testing.
- Your mood - are you feeling well in yourself
- Discuss driving / access to services / mobility / and other personal aspects of life that may have impact on our day-to-day life.
- Discuss any other health issues that may concern you.
- Outcome - this is options of lifestyle advice or referral to social prescribing or may be just assuring you that we are here for you whenever you need us
We are really pleased that you are interested in this project, and we are happy to see you. We have allocated 30 minutes to these health checks therefore it will allow you to have good friendly discussion.